
The #NJSTEMTogether Communities Challenge is a virtual communities challenge where New Jersey high school students have the opportunity to identify issues faced by their communities due to COVID-19 and design a solution to address this problem. Teams will have an opportunity to work with mentors from different industries and present their solutions to New Jersey state legislators.

our corporate sponsor

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our partners

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Join #NJSTEMTogether Communities Challenge!

Mentorship Opportunities:

Mentors will have an opportunity to guide and provide feedback to the high school teams during the challenge process (Nov. 2021-Mar2022). Though the time commitment is flexible, at least a ½ hour - 1 hour a week is recommended for the four month period.


Sponsors will be highlighted for their support of this statewide challenge that reaches more than one hundred students across New Jersey.

#NJSTEMtogether Communities Challenge Sponsorship Opportunity

Event Sponsorship (Keynote, logo on the banner, logo on our communication) - $5,000

First Prize Sponsors for Students - $2000

Introduce an award category on behalf of your company - $1000

Keynote Speaker engagement - $2000

Support the Challenge - $500

If you are interested in being a #NJSTEMTogether Communities Challenge mentor or sponsor or other ways to partner, please contact Shirley Guzman at sguzman@rdnj.org.